Save Henderson Mill Creek

Save the Henderson Mill Creek Floodplain / Wetlands

Join Us

Sign the Petition

Even if you do not want to join our group email, please take a moment and sign our petition. We need to show decision makers that there is significant concern / opposition to this plan.


The petition website may ask for a donation. This donation will go to the petition website and not to, so do not donate after signing the petition unless you actually want to donate to iPetition itself.

Help fund the effort

Help us pay for FoIA/GORA document requests, website, mailing list, flyers. The costs aren’t huge, but they do add up.


Join Our Group Email

We have created a group email list to help organize and to coordinate our opposition to the PATH bike route through the floodplain.

Join the group email list:

  1. Fill out and submit the form below with your name and email.
  1. If you don’t see a response by email, check your SPAM/Junk folder. Sometimes the confirmation email takes a little while, so be patient.

Please register - together we can stop the PATH bike route through the floodplain!

Any questions or concerns prior to joining us? Email us at and ask!

We hope you will join us in stopping the PATH bike route through the Henderson Mill Creek wetlands/floodplain.


Mobile Phone (optional):


Confirm Email: